Hydro One will be required to offer Time of use pricing for Net Metering customers!

This will allow generation at the high rate and usage of generation credits at the new ultra low rate. As of now off peak is 7.4, mid peak is 10.2, on peak is 15.1. This year there will be a voluntary new pricing structure. Higher day to rates but ultra low nighttime rates. This will allow high value solar credits and ability to use the ultra low cost energy and pay for them with the high value solar credits. Example get solar credits at 20 cents a kWh and use them at 2 cents a kWh. So 10 kWh of solar production will cover 100 kWh of nighttime usage. This will allow most credits to be made at the highest kWh price because that is when the sun is shinning. So net metering customers are becoming a greater solution for the grid. 
 Rational for changes:Provide additional customer choice: Provide greater choice and value to customers who may embrace opportunities to shift their demand under a different price plan, such as EV users, shift workers or other residential consumers with lifestyles that lead to more electricity consumption at night, or small businesses and farms that operate at night,
Prepare the electricity system for electrification: Shift loads to overnight periods to potentially increase efficiency in Ontario’s electricity grid. For example, encourage EV owners to schedule charging at night, when Ontario’s electricity grid is most likely to have excess capacity. This could boost the efficiency of Ontario’s electricity system and reduce the need for new infrastructure, which reduces costs on all Ontario ratepayers.
Support decarbonization: Shift electricity loads to lower-demand overnight periods when Ontario has more electricity available and electricity is generated largely from non-emitting sources.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) released a report outlining in detail its proposal for ultra-low overnight electricity rates at 2.5 cents per kWh for Ontarians who want to opt-in when the rate structure is made available in April 2023 is proposed.