by Greg Lougheed | Jun 2, 2015 | News
The story of how change really happens. Source: How Tesla Will Change Your Life | Wait But Why
by Greg Lougheed | Jun 2, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Even the oil companies recognize the problem! Six of the world’s major oil and gas companies have called for national or regional carbon pricing. They also propose that governments and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change work on creating “clear,...
by Greg Lougheed | May 19, 2015 | News
Always-on appliances and devices are costing us big time. Source: Vampire power costs Americans $19 billion in electricity every year : TreeHugger
by Greg Lougheed | May 19, 2015 | News
Who said fossil fuels were cheap? Source: Fossil fuel subsidies are $5.3 TRILLION ($10 million/minute), more than all healthcare : TreeHugger
by Greg Lougheed | May 15, 2015 | News
When you pick up the phone, you don’t expect Elon Musk to be on the other line. Source: Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man | Wait But Why Great website.
by Greg Lougheed | May 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Powerwall | Tesla Motors Canada. I am working on controls for the battery now. Great pricing. I’m looking for cSA approval notations too. It effectively allows me to reduce a home owners Hydro costs even without a program like Net Metering or Microfit! Very good...